- a songbird or other small bird
- ᐱᓓᔒᔥ
- pilešîš
- a large bird or waterfow
- ᐱᓓᓯᐤ
- pilesiw
- a gallinaceous bird or grouse
- ᐱᓓᐤ
- pilew
- a duck
- ᔒᔒᑉ
- šîšîp
- a summer bird
- ᓃᐱᓂ ᐱᓓᔒᔥ
- nîpini-pilešîš
- a winter bird
- ᐱᐳᓂ ᐱᓓᔒᔥ
- piponi-pilešîš
- a giant mythical bird
- ᒥᔥᑕᓯᐤ
- mištasiw
- ᒥᔑ ᒥᑭᓯᐤ
- miši-mikisiw
We also found mentions of 'bird' in
a summer bird (i.e., a migratory bird)
a young animal, bird, or person
s/he props it up (using a stick) (
, a dead bird used as a decoy)
, a dead bird used as a decoy)
a bird or prey, a raptor
(of an animal or bird) it has a big rump
a bone found in the head of a burbot that is said to resemble a bird
a male bird
a male grouse or gallinaceous bird
an inland waterfowl or large bird
a female bird
a female grouse or gallinaceous bird
s/he uses it (as a framed net) to catch a bird(s)
s/he catches a bird(s) using a framed net
a baby gallinaceous bird such as a baby grouse, partridge, or ptarmigan
a bird of a smaller species such as songbirds and excluding raptors, waterfowl, and gallinaceous birds
a bird snare
a stuffed bird
a statue, toy, or other man-made likeness of a bird
a stuffed bird
a statue, toy, or other man-made likeness of a bird
a baby bird
it is a large bird
a winter bird
the rump of a bird, a uropygium
(of a bird) its rump, its uropygium
s/he catches a bird(s) with h/ using a framed net
any bird that frequents a sea or its coast, including shorebirds
a giant mythical man-eating bird
s/he turns h/ into a little bird
s/he turns h/self into a little bird
s/he is a little bird
s/he smells like bird
it smells like bird
it smells like bird
s/he smells like bird
a ring placed around a bird's leg for identification, a band
s/he is a young animal, bird, or person
a young giant mythical man-eating bird
(of a bird) a crop
a bird of a larger species such as raptors and waterfowl and excluding songbirds and gallinaceous birds
a gallinaceous bird such as grouse, partridges, and ptarmigans
2 results found
Some words starting with 'bird'